
Yes, both TFG and Musk are scabs.

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My plastic surgery laden ‘sibling’ and her “rip people off on the internet venture capitalist” bought one of musky’s uh, ‘car’. It was ugly, the seats low to the ground with an overly large, seemingly screaming screen! It was the worst ride in an automobile that I’ve ever had in—life! But these creeps love it, figures…(These ‘lovely’ individuals probably have a fleet of these abominations—good. Perhaps one is “self driving?!?” )YAY!!!

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Nailed it, Laura.

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I think that the coup de grâce for Trump was when he urged Musk to fire all employees who are striking. In politics, this is nothing short of political suicide and a clear sign that Trump is mentally unraveling at a vastly accelerated rate. Wait till he sees the swell of Democratic support during and after the Democratic National Convention. He’ll be catatonic!

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