
Special big thank you for th new followers, comments, and RESTACKS. When I left my 3K followers on Twitter after reading the book The Wires of War b Jacob Helberg, I felt bad. I also deleted Facebook at the same time. I have good vibes about Threads.

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Let’s hope for massive loss of readers/subscriptions … for NYT!

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Jul 6Liked by Rob Nelson

Ditto, did that 2 days ago after considering it for the last year. They don’t even try and hide the bias anymore. There’s enough things that cause me outrage, I don’t need Sulzberger’s personal vendetta against Joe to add to it.

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Mack, after their recent outbursts, I pulled the trigger. I have enjoyed NYT for many years. But, they crosse dan editorial line of blatant excessive bias. My wife and I have donated to GOP for years. When McCain selected the "lady" from Alaska, I jumped to the blue team. My wife and I sent another $100 to Biden/Harris last week. Now, the NYT funds go to Joe and Kamala.

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Jul 6Liked by Rob Nelson

Also ditto on the campaign contribution. We were out of town and missed the “debate “ but the day after I had to register my support by giving $

The sad thing about McCain was that he was the last one with a spine ( thumbs down to cancelling Obama Care and his famous push “No Mam “ back against the women unloading on Obama. ) As a leader I’ve often felt if he had lived he would likely have “Liz Chaney’d “ trump and his minions- maybe not? Romney became obsequious and ineffectual at any meaningful change.

Anyway, as shocked as I’ve been at the total destruction of the GOP, I’m actually even more shocked at the total collapse of the mainstream media. I always thought I could at least count on WAPO and 70% of the time the NYT but no more. They have picked their horse in the race and the Republic can go to hell apparently.

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Mark, first, congrats on your comments and your SAT vocabulary properly used. You are far too intelligent to be a MAGA voter!

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Totally with you!! I’m canceling both the NYT and the Washington Post!!!

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Jul 7Liked by Rob Nelson

I cancelled my subscription too after decades.

That asshole Matthew Walther telling people not to vote was the last straw.

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Lots of folks are waving BYE BYE to NYT. Glad you did too.

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If you happen to use RocketMoney like I do, you can cancel NYT with the click of a single button like I did yesterday.

Honestly, I had never forgotten how they helped justify the Iraq War by first printing leaks from the Bush administration about WMD then becoming a source of validation of the same BS Intel when the Bushies started quoting the leak as if they’d had nothing to do with it! Remember Judith Miller?

So, this isn’t the first time they’ve sold this nation and this world down the river. It is the last time they will charge my credit card though.

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Jul 10Liked by Rob Nelson

I was a 40-yr subscriber and just cancelled for good two weeks ago. Their editor just said, “it’s not our job to defend democracy.” Well, it’s also not your job to choose our leaders. That job lies slowly with the voters.

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England ran the Murdocks out and look at how their political climate has changed for the better! We need to run his fascist ass out of America!!

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Both Musk & Murdoch need to leave. I can't believe what Musk got away with interfering with the war in Ukraine. Media yawned. We need to get the billionaires mouths off of the tax payer money they don't contribute to.

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Ditto!! ✌️💙

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Sorry, my friend Mitch has a new truck!

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I agree with you Rob . Seems like all news is getting taken over by the right . great article

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Thanks Mitch. BTW, I love your new truck!

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I don;t have a new truck Since i had stroke .Even though i can move license was taken for safety

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Jul 8Liked by Rob Nelson

I did the same yesterday with an explanation of why I was cancelling. This evening I sent the following message to their feedback link: "Of the two major candidates for president, the NYT has called on one to step down because of his age. The other has demonstrated age related problems, and furthermore has been convicted of 34 felonies, has been found libel in a rape case, and orchestrated the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6. The NYT has failed to call for this candidate to step down. This omission calls into question the integrity of the NYT."

They had a lengthy reply ready very quickly, which suggests they are getting a lot of "feedback."

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AND, remember how mad republicans would get if a large sum was added too our National Debt?🤔 Trump=$8 TRILLION! Largest debt in 250 years and not a peep from republicans! 🤯 ✌️💙

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Musk suddenly sending $50,000,000 a month to Donald's pac, why? He wants his tax cuts! Musk is why I will never own a Tesla.

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Applause, Rob. I cancelled my 13-year NYT subscription this past Monday. Before I did, I drafted my own opinion piece and posted it on as many social media sites as I could. I also wrote letters to every editor I could access.

Their Biden coverage is inexcusable. Their lack of advocacy for a free and open media is equally inexcusable. They should be stalwart defenders. No f**king mention of trump. We stand to lose a Constitutional right if our media is further compromised.

I cancelled by phone. When asked for a reason, I said, “I’ve made my displeasure of the Times’ biased and petty coverage of President Biden widely known. They also fail to support a free and open media. I will no longer pay for it.”

I can’t parlay reading Tom Friedman and Nick Kristoff and playing Flashback into a reason to subscribe.

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Jul 7Liked by Rob Nelson

I canceled mine too. WaPo is dangerously close to getting dumped as well for the same reason.

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Canceled my NYT several months ago and canceled WP day before yesterday for the same reason. So sick of them pulling for the felony generator. I will only miss Jennifer Rubin's column.

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Jul 9Liked by Rob Nelson

Today’s article from Jennifer Rubin has me pulling the plug and canceling not only The NY Times but the Washington Post!! I am very sad and disappointed with the news media!! Stop “attempting” to oust the current president from the upcoming election 🗳️

Even MSNBC is disappointing!!

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Claire, well written.

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I have noticed that too! Been watching anything except for the news!! ✌️💙

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Haven’t been a subscriber for years. What is so ironic is the newpaper is basically a dying industry and yet these wannabe Hearsts still think their yellow journalism works. They’ll be out of business in three weeks if they are depending on the magat “readers” to bail them out. Good luck with that.

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NYT pandering to MAGA Propaganda is a fatal flaw.

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Jul 7Liked by Rob Nelson

It's cute when msm orgs like NYT and WaPo think they'll be able to siphon maggats from Fox and Spewsmax et al

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All the news isn't fit to print anymore....

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Well stated!! Seems NYT just can't find any issues with TFG. Odd.

TFG = The Felon Guy

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or report the same amount of the otherside's opinions! Like the other canidate is allowed to run for President even though he is a CONVICTED RAPIST😱 and is living above the law still threatening anyone who speaks against him!!😱😱 Where the heck are we...?? Bizzaro World from

hell??! This is nuts!

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ME TOO!! Feels great! For my ‘reason for cancelling’ I wrote — NYT CONTINUES TO BASH PRESIDENT BIDEN WITHOUT EQUAL TREATMENT FOR FELON TRUMP — please excuse the all caps 🗳️ #VoteBlue

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